Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Curcuma and uniqueness of the 'frijol rojo'

Curcuma and uniqueness of the red 'frijol'
I was sitting down in my balcony feeling the morning, looking at the clouds to see what they showed me, the energy is bubbly today, excitement and after days and night lightning and rain, drizzling all night long, the sun came out shining through and warming up the wet Earth, drying up the last drizzle on leaves from dawn. I looked over the aloe vera plant and its babies beneath that are now more like adolescents, I transplanted several but then I couldn't keep up with all the babies she was having, so now they growing beneath her, my thought they were actually nourishing her.

There is a  purpose to everything.

Now the seeds are beautiful rising, the two 'frijol' beans are amazingly unique, the latest one that I plant was the same red bean as the others but as it grow, in a much more confine little pot than the other one, it took less time and with great force birthed itself with a strong, straight stem that as it spread its two leaves-wings, it manifested a different green, a different patters of lines on it, a steam that was leaning to one side of the other. just unique.
the first one, was in a bigger pot, and took much longer to rise, the green is much lighter and one of its leaf-wing was more like half-wing than a whole one. the stem is slightly leaning towards one side.
it grew as slowly, patiently as the curcuma plant, much slower, meaning ....perhaps it doesn't mean anything // my nature is looking for meaning, I thought as I sipped through the dark costa rican flavored coffee.
this conversation I have in the morning is about plants, clouds, growth and SEEING - I told specifically speak words to plants, although there is the complements and gratitude in human words,
BUT in the morning, if my mind still quiet enough , I sit there feeling all the plants around the balcony, finding strength to then stepped out of this cocoon and deal with what ever comes in daily life.
but the conversation with them set the tone // today was about uniqueness, I started comparing, noticing how this was grew more rapidly, stronger and colored differently but it about uniqueness, not differences...like humans, we are all unique, unique fingerprints, unique in our abilities, and yet all have a heart, lungs, pancreas, liver, fundamental functions of the human body to survive // unique hormones that we release to be within that uniqueness and the strength that we draw from each thought we have, from each emotion we release, from each breath we take -- so
I sipped more coffee and took some pictures to share and now that today I feel appreciative of each uniqueness, expand the abilities and learn new trades, other capabilities or virtues I have but that have not become acquainted with the others, mainly because there is a tendency to compare and since 'its not good enough' I leave untouched, I don't try even because its better on the other side and I could never reach it .....
these are the plants on the balcony from the photos above, the curcuma, ancient spice and medicinal plant, and the two 'frijol rojo' which I still have yet to find out its name // last night they were showered by rainwater and today they feel stronger...today I believe.